
Näak is your on-course nutrition at UTMB World Series.

Preserve your playground.

Every purchase you make creates positive change.

They inspire us. They will inspire you.

The ultimate guide to reach your ultra endurance goals.

Fuel your mind with nutrition tips and more.

Discover delicious and nutritious recipes.

They are writing the history of our sport.

They aim to reach the summits.

The champions of tomorrow.

Community, Sharing, Passion.

They inspire us. They will inspire you.

Get your custom nutrition & hydration plan.

The ultimate guide to reach your ultra endurance goals.

Fuel your mind with nutrition tips and more.

Discover delicious and nutritious recipes.


Today is a very special day: Näak is 4 years old! Yes, 4 years already, time flies ... It's an incredible adventure that continues thanks to you.

If you have been following us from the start, a huge thank you for your support, we would not be there without you! You helped us cross it by continuing to buy our products and we thank you very much.

If you just joined us, William and I created Näak 4 years ago with the mission of making sports nutrition more efficient and more eco-responsible.

At the time, we had just qualified for the Age Group Triathlon World Championships in Mexico and we were looking for nutritional bars to fuel our long bike rides.

Minh & Will at the World's Triathlon Championship in 2016

However the bars that were on the market did not suit us so much in terms of taste as in texture. It was too dry, not practical to ingest during the effort, bloating which is not fun after 4 hours on a bike, not to mention the list of ingredients with unpronounceable names.

With William, we are big consumers of energy bars because we train a lot. And we had a precise idea of ​​our ideal bar. So we decided to create it ourselves!

And since we come from the generation of millennials and the environment is important to us, we decided to use cricket powder for 2 reasons: it is a high quality protein and it is ultra eco-friendly.

The first bars, we made them ourselves in our kitchen, by hand. 4,000 bars made by hand! Then, there was the socio campaign finally which made us known, then our passage In the eye of the Dragon.

First Näak bars hand made

Today, we are listed in over 800 stores across Canada and we have thousands of subscribers who order their Näak bars every month on our website.

We went through so many ups and downs during these 4 years. Moments of doubts, victories, disappointments, beautiful meetings, moments of euphoria, working days on weekends, the Covid-19, and above all beautiful moments of sharing with the community.

This adventure with Näak is a bit like an ultra marathon or an extreme Ironman. You know where you are going, you know the destination but the road to get there is long and winding.

 Näak Dans l'oeil du Dragon

Sometimes you want to go too fast and you get lost. And instead of saving time, you waste it. So you turn back, annoyed, but you always end up finding your way.

Fortunately, you sometimes come across other runners who motivate you when things go wrong and you go a long way with them. Sometimes after climbing for hours you find yourself at the top of the mountain. It's ecstasy, like a mini victory. But once you’re back down and you’re in the mud down to your knees, no juice in the canes, and you’re wondering why you’re here, why you’re doing this.

You want to give up but you always find a second wind and the resources to continue. You fall, but you always get up.

You get up because you know why you're doing this. You have a goal to reach, a mission to accomplish, and there are your friends and family who are behind you who believe in you and who fully support you.

At Näak, our family is you.

So thank you for believing in us and supporting us in the highs and the lows. It gives us incredible strength in the investment we put in our work every day.

I also have a thought for our partners who trusted us from the start: the first sports shops who took the crazy risk of putting cricket bars on their shelves, our suppliers, our ambassadors, our mentors, our employees who deliver fantastic work every day.

Minh & Will Näak Bar

To thank you for your support and to celebrate these 4 years, I would like to offer you a 20% discount on the online store for 4 days with the code 4ANS. Use this code when checking out at

This code is available on regular boxes and on subscription boxes. If you choose a subscription box, you will have the 20% discount on the first box only.

Finally, I would like to finish by announcing that big news is coming in the coming months: new products, new flavors, new packaging ... I can't wait to show you all of this and I hope how excited you are! If you haven't subscribed to our newsletter yet, subscribe here so you don't miss anything.

P.S: The 4ANS code is valid for 4 days only until 22nd June 2020. Hurry up! Our stocks are limited.

Minh, co-founder of Näak.

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