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November Giveback | Näak supports Pour3points

November Giveback, what if each of your orders became an act of solidarity?

From November 1 to 30, for each product ordered online, Näak donates $1 to the Pour3Points association. The funds raised will help young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to succeed in life, thanks to the values of sport.

How to turn Black Friday into an act of citizenship and solidarity

You are all familiar with "Black Friday”.This globalized phenomenon, originally an American practice, designates the day of exclusive promotions following Thanksgiving, the fourth Thursday in November. As you know, at Näak, we are convinced that beyond physical effort, sport is a true vector of social values such as solidarity and mutual aid. This is why, just a few days before the now inevitable "Black Friday", which generates billions of online orders, we want to restore a sense of citizenship and ecology to the act of purchasing, by donating $1 to the Pour3Points association for each product ordered on our website.

What is Pour3Points?

Pour3Points is a Canadian charity that promotes social equality for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Indeed, several studies have shown that these young people are more affected by academic delays, learning problems, or serious behavioural problems. They are also less likely to graduate from high school. Pour3Points considers sport as an opportunity to solve the problem of success for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. According to them, “young people commit to a sport and are intrinsically motivated to perform. This motivation can then be transferred to other things besides the sport context and can have a positive impact in school, on the kids’ personal lives people and in their communities.

Transforming the sport coach into a life coach

It is with this idea in mind that Pour3Points trains sports coaches so that they also become life coaches: they show teenagers how to live by showing them how to play. Indeed, aside from their parents, coaches are the most influential adults in the life of young athletes. Thus, a well-trained coach can help young people develop the skills they need to succeed in school and in life. 100% of partner schools report that coaches in training have played a mentoring role with the teenagers on their teams.

In full agreement with its state of mind and values, Näak can, undoubtedly, support Pour3Points. So, if you too are concerned about the over-consumption caused by Black Friday, know that each of your orders placed on our website will automatically become an act of solidarity!

We need your help to reach $5,000 in donations in order to make Black Friday an act of unity and generosity by helping young people through sport. We are counting on you!

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