Running an ultra distance is a physical endeavor that requires tremendous amounts of work and discipline. Runners can spend months and sometimes years training their mind and body to overcome the challenges brought upon by the sport. A key element to successfully complete an ultra marathon or an ultra trail is a proper nutrition plan, however this can be a challenge in itself.
Unfortunately, there is no “one-size-fits-all” nutrition plan; everyone is different and your nutrition needs will likely differ from those of your peers. The only way to figure out what works best for you is to get out there and experiment. Nonetheless, there are general concepts and guidelines that you can follow and learn from when building your nutrition plan.
The following article was written to help you tailor your nutrition strategy and optimize your performance on race day.
5 tips prepared especially for you by our nutrition specialist. With the arrival of winter and cold temperatures we can sometimes unconsciously change our diet. However, a good diet remains essential in winter. It must provide the athlete with enough energy during the effort, to maintain a constant body temperature and to recover well after training.
It’s no secret that protein is an important macronutrient for endurance athletes. However, you may be uncertain as to how much protein you need or if you should be supplementing your diet with more protein. If you’re wondering whether you should add protein powder to your diet, here are 5 reasons why it’s a good idea!
Having the right nutrition is key to athletic performance. Athletes are constantly looking for products that will help them enhance performance, whether it’s to get stronger or faster. Unfortunately, it seems as though the food products on the market use hard-to-pronounce ingredients and artificial sweeteners while having stale taste. It’s almost impossible to find nutrition products that are actually healthy and contain natural ingredients. That’s why Näak created healthy, sustainable, and delicious energy bars that are based around one simple ingredient: crickets!
Nutrition plays a crucial role in the progression of athletic performance. But the perfect diet doesn’t exist! Everybody is different, so our needs vary depending on many factors: age, sex, metabolism, physical activity, weight, height, and so on. Therefore, it’s important to know what your body needs to stay strong and well-nourished.
With a plant-based diet, it’s possible to have it all: save the planet, reach your ultimate physical potential, and be the healthiest you’ve ever been. It’s no surprise that plant-based athletes are becoming more and more popular. However, there are certain nutritional considerations plant-based athletes need to take into account, as some nutrients are not found in plant products. Don’t worry, this article will walk you through all of the nutrients you need to keep an eye on, including any supplements you may need!
All athletes are aware of the importance of dietary protein, but not all are aware why. With the launch of our new protein powders, we decided to answer all of your questions about the effects of protein on endurance performance. What does science say about the role of protein in athletic performance? How does protein affect athletic performance? How much protein do you really need? All your questions will be answered in this article!
Stomach issues are bound to happen during exercise. They could be due to a number of different reasons, such as your food intake or electrolyte imbalance, and can result in nausea, heartburn, or gastrointestinal bleeding. Runners, especially endurance athletes, are particularly at risk to these negative effects which is why a plan is needed for dealing with the gastrointestinal stress of exercise. If left untreated, an unhealthy gut can impair recovery, cause inflammation, throw immunity out of balance, or decrease energy levels.
Endurance athletes are no stranger to digestive issues. In fact, one of the most common causes of underperformance during endurance events is related to the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Luckily, nutrition training can improve the stomach’s ability to digest during longer runs and races just as interval training improves performance and speed. Read on to learn how to train your gut so that you can perform at your best.
While gels are a convenient way to get in some energy, some athletes struggle to choke them down and some even find that gels can cause an upset stomach due to the amount of fructose and caffeine in them. If you’re tired of energy gels, take one of these 4 alternatives on your next long workout or race. You’ll power through those dreaded final miles!
Carbohydrates are arguably the most important macronutrient needed for ultra endurance athletes. Simply put, carbohydrates are the sugars, starches, and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables, and other foods. They provide fuel for the central nervous system and energy for working muscles: without carbs, the body runs much less efficiently. Read on to learn everything there is to know about carbohydrates and their vital role in ultra sport nutrition!
Nutrition for ultra-marathons or ultra-trails is a whole new ballgame of fueling and hydration requirements. Defined as events lasting at least 6 hours, ultra-endurance events place extreme and unique physiological demands on athletes. Although proper training is undoubtedly a crucial factor in preparing for such extraordinary physical feats, nutrition is also paramount as these events would not be possible without adequate fueling.
Proper fueling for endurance athletes means more than just replacing calories: it also involves consistent and adequate electrolyte and fluid replenishment. Fluids and electrolytes are more consumed by athletes for a number of different reasons and an electrolyte imbalance can seriously impact overall athletic performance. If you’re wondering what electrolytes are and why you might need them, all of your questions will be answered in this article!
Caffeine is the world’s most widely used psychoactive drug and by far the most common stimulant to date. Most of us are familiar with the stimulating effects of caffeine, but for endurance athletes in particular, caffeine is often used to boost energy and performance. However, the science behind caffeine supplementation in endurance athletes is muddled, as we often hear contradicting thoughts on the drug. If you are curious about the effects of caffeine and whether or not to supplement with it, then this article is for you!
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