It comes as no surprise that our planet is currently undergoing a social and ecological crisis that will continue to persist unless we make a change in our lifestyles, particularly in our diets. With the world’s population steadily increasing, experts predict that we will not be able to sustain the world’s current protein diet by the year 2050.
With a plant-based diet, it’s possible to have it all: save the planet, reach your ultimate physical potential, and be the healthiest you’ve ever been. It’s no surprise that plant-based athletes are becoming more and more popular. However, there are certain nutritional considerations plant-based athletes need to take into account, as some nutrients are not found in plant products. Don’t worry, this article will walk you through all of the nutrients you need to keep an eye on, including any supplements you may need!
All athletes are aware of the importance of dietary protein, but not all are aware why. With the launch of our new protein powders, we decided to answer all of your questions about the effects of protein on endurance performance. What does science say about the role of protein in athletic performance? How does protein affect athletic performance? How much protein do you really need? All your questions will be answered in this article!
Looking for something simple yet refreshing? Well, look no further: this super green smoothie bowl is absolutely delicious and packed with healthful ingredients. This smoothie bowl makes the perfect breakfast or snack, especially during the summertime when you’re looking for a way to cool down and keep time in the kitchen to a minimum.
Stomach issues are bound to happen during exercise. They could be due to a number of different reasons, such as your food intake or electrolyte imbalance, and can result in nausea, heartburn, or gastrointestinal bleeding. Runners, especially endurance athletes, are particularly at risk to these negative effects which is why a plan is needed for dealing with the gastrointestinal stress of exercise. If left untreated, an unhealthy gut can impair recovery, cause inflammation, throw immunity out of balance, or decrease energy levels.
Endurance athletes are no stranger to digestive issues. In fact, one of the most common causes of underperformance during endurance events is related to the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Luckily, nutrition training can improve the stomach’s ability to digest during longer runs and races just as interval training improves performance and speed. Read on to learn how to train your gut so that you can perform at your best.
These sweet, no-bake energy bites are the perfect healthy treat. They are so easy to make and are convenient to bring while running, cycling, or hiking. These bites can also be tailored to your liking: you can sub out the peanut butter for almond butter, use chia seeds instead of flaxseeds, use a different kind of sweetener, and so on and so forth.
If you’re someone interested in buying protein powder to help build muscle and strength, you’ve come to the right place! Näak is now launching a line of protein powders in two delicious flavors. Get the inside scoop on our line of protein powder: learn what it is, its nutritional values, and how it benefits you.
Maybe you have already asked yourself this question: can vegetarians eat bugs? This debate has been a subject of controversy in the vegetarian community since the recent raise of entomophagy. In this article, you'll understand what is the entotarian diet and how it solves the problem.
Our mission at Näak is to power the world of ultra-sport performance with efficient and sustainable fuel while bringing out the limitless potential in all athletes. We will continue to lead the cricket protein market in sport nutrition by relaunching our energy bar line and expanding into the product line of plant-based protein with a strong differentiation. We believe that our new logo will ensure that customers understand the brand benefits at first glance: sustainable performance, long-lasting energy, and fast recovery.
While gels are a convenient way to get in some energy, some athletes struggle to choke them down and some even find that gels can cause an upset stomach due to the amount of fructose and caffeine in them. If you’re tired of energy gels, take one of these 4 alternatives on your next long workout or race. You’ll power through those dreaded final miles!
When running an ultra marathon of any distance, anything can go wrong. You are on your feet for hours, often alone, getting progressively more tired, hungry, and anxious: there will undoubtedly be some factors you cannot control on race day, but you’ll just have to keep going.
If you’re planning to run your first ultra marathon or are a novice to ultra running, read on to learn the 7 common mistakes that almost all runners make. Learn from these mistakes to avoid making them in the future!
Right now, our world is facing significant and urgent food shortages. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 795 million people currently suffer from a chronic lack of nutritious food. With the world’s population at a steady increase, we will not be able to sustain the world’s current protein diet by the year 2050. Thankfully, Naak is on a mission to address this dooming food security problem: crickets! Read on to learn about the many benefits of these edible insects.
It's no secret that athletes are always on the hunt for tricks that will help them enhance sport performance. Whether it is training at high altitudes or switching up their diets, if you can name it, someone has probably tried it. As the years go by and new training techniques arise, some turn out to be successful, some are destined to fail, and others… well we just don’t know yet! Amongst those training techniques, one which has been recently grabbing the attention of many endurance athletes is: training in a fasted state. What is it? Does it work? Should you try it? If you’re looking for answers to these questions, read along!
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